There is no doubt that Steve Jobs was a man ahead of his time in many respects. He saw the problems with Adobe Flash back in 2010 when Apple stopped supporting the platform on all its iDevices. At the same time, he wrote an open letter “Thoughts on Flash.”
Since then, Flash, the website browser plugin has seen a bumpy road. HTML5 has pretty much replaced the functionality that Flash delivered. The growth of mobile internet use and the move to mobile responsive websites has pushed websites away from using Flash technology because businesses don’t want to alienate iPhone and iPad users.
Recently, numerous security flaws have scared more people and businesses away from Flash. Mozilla is now blocking the Flash plugin by default on its web browser, Firefox to protect its users. I have already seen the pop-up on the top of my browser window:
Mozilla will probably unblock it once Adobe releases a new patched version but the writing is on the wall – #FlashMustGo
So what does this really mean for your website? Many websites no longer use Flash, so they won’t have a problem. Some websites have pieces of their website that are built with Flash or worse yet their websites are completely built with Flash. This is a problem, potentially a huge one. Already, anyone trying to look at your website on an iPhone or iPad won’t be seeing much if anything. Now with one of the major website browsers blocking Flash, many people won’t be able to access parts of your site through their desktop. This can cost you sales and customers.
If your website is Flash based, it’s time for an upgrade. CharmLab’s mobile responsive websites never use Flash and are easily viewed and navigated on any size screen. Contact the Charmers for a free website assessment now.