
Is it time for a Website Redesign?

This is a question that most small business owners struggle with every 1-2 years. After all, a website redesign project is a big commitment, not only in dollars but also in time. Small business owners know that their website is an integral part of their business and reputation. An outdated website conveys many things to customers and prospects, usually none of them good.

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Starting a New Business? Top 3 Social Media Mistakes Owners make

At CharmLab, we work long-term with clients to help them grow their business volume and hone their message and content in New Hampshire where we are based, and many more across the U.S.A.

After helping so many new business owners launch their branding and online properties, we have learned a few big, yet very common mistakes that business owners make when starting their online marketing programs.

Most new businesses can figure out a business card, a logo and pricing of their services. But where the rubber meets the road, business owners don't use FREE Social Media platforms to move the needle and attract new business.

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Want Meatier Blog Content? Try Bacon Lorem Ipsum


While I wait for my husband to finish packing for the HubSpot #INBOUND15 Conference happening again in good ol' Boston, (the company's US headquarters), I want to share with you a free design tool that I love and use all the time at CharmLab to get the job done when I am planning a design layout for a website, sales sheet, LinkedIn Company page banner, or a piece of print collateral, the meatier lorem ipsum generator, Bacon Ipsum.

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How Social Media separates us from the Apes

Great apes can learn words. They can learn to understand spoken words and can learn to use sign language to communicate their words and feelings. Chimpanzees, gorillas, bonobos; they've all been taught to understand and communicate words. Koko, probably the most famous of the great ape communicators, can understand over 2,000 English words and over 1,000 ASL words.

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