Our client came to us looking for a major website refresh – their site at the time had been too expensive, static and in-editable – with a full service spa, they had no spa information on their site. They were frustrated and wanted a more dynamic and content rich site. They wanted social media and Facebook integration – as anyone with a business would want!
Using Drupal as a platform, we custom designed a new website that showcased their Spa Services and made it easy to share them on Facebook and other Social Media tools. We converted some pdf download offers to online forms so clients can Refer a Friend with out having to leave the page or print anything out.
Another custom feature we developed was a “Choose your Style” Photo Gallery. The staff has access to this feature to upload photos at will and tag them with keywords without having access to all of the website. The owner can login from any browser/computer and make changes to any page or slide show or image.
By using a dynamic CMS, Content Management System like Drupal, we can easily expand the website for future business growth without having to reconfigure any of the existing site.
By building in a YouTube Feed and a blog – the site will continue to have fresh content and good search ranking!